what if you can't go to gym

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what if you can't go to gym

Post by oliverparsons »

Hey guys,

So i'm going to be traveling a bunch in the next few weeks. Im gone Dec 9 (tomorrow) to Dec 12, Dec 21-27 and Dec 31-Jan 3. Tonight im doing GLP1 workout number 3 (so my second bench press workout). I'm on the BP Mass Stack and bulking a ton (up 16 pounds since before famine).

I've got 2 questions:

1) What's the plan if I can't make it to the gym (or if the gym is in a hotel and doesnt have a squat rack, bench, etc.) Would it be better to just skip the workout totally or do a crappy workout that won't hit my targets. I'm doing a high calorie diet and dont care about gaining fat, so taking days off might not be too bad?

2) If I take days off, my feast phase will obviously take longer than the recommended 42 day max, which means i'll run out of Kre-Anabolyn, Adaptogen N and BCAAs. Therefore, should I scale back the dosing to make sure they last the entire feast phase?

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Post by RobRegish »

First, great gains!

1) What's the plan if I can't make it to the gym (or if the gym is in a hotel and doesnt have a squat rack, bench, etc.) Would it be better to just skip the workout totally or do a crappy workout that won't hit my targets. I'm doing a high calorie diet and dont care about gaining fat, so taking days off might not be too bad?

A. They gym will have a universal machine at best. If you can't locate a gym in the area that's adequately equipped, best to wait until you get back. Ask around though!

2) If I take days off, my feast phase will obviously take longer than the recommended 42 day max, which means i'll run out of Kre-Anabolyn, Adaptogen N and BCAAs. Therefore, should I scale back the dosing to make sure they last the entire feast phase?

A. Yes. This would make the most sense. Again, ask around though. There's usually SOME kind of adequate gym in the area. Hotel gyms = rubbish due to liability concerns. DB's at best. Oftentimes worse...
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Post by oliverparsons »

Thanks Rob! I'm actually going to the caribbean, so if there isn't a good hotel gym i'm assuming ill be outta luck. But let's assume there is a universal, how am i supposed to figure out the % of my max? It's always impossible to find out an accurate weight on the universal. Do I just eyeball it and go from there? Or should I just view these travel workouts as just maintenance workouts and I should pick up GLP when I get back to my regular gym?

Also, for the kre-anabolyn, if i'm taking 5 days off from the gym because of traveling, is it ok to not take it? Or is it a supplement that "builds" in your system and I should take small doses on off days to keep it in my system? Curious becasue I want to make it last during my extended feast phase.

Thanks again Rob!!
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Post by RobRegish »

But let's assume there is a universal, how am i supposed to figure out the % of my max? It's always impossible to find out an accurate weight on the universal. Do I just eyeball it and go from there? Or should I just view these travel workouts as just maintenance workouts and I should pick up GLP when I get back to my regular gym?

A. Take the entire time to rest and DON'T try to do this on a universal machine. Enjoy yourself!

Also, for the kre-anabolyn, if i'm taking 5 days off from the gym because of traveling, is it ok to not take it? Or is it a supplement that "builds" in your system and I should take small doses on off days to keep it in my system? Curious becasue I want to make it last during my extended feast phase.

A. Small amounts while you're away is the way to go. Do try to make the most of it when you get back.

Hope that helps! Gotta go. "Networking" dinner tonight :)
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Post by oliverparsons »

Thanks Rob!
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Post by RobRegish »

My privilege/pleasure.

I've been there so glad I can help! :)
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