Thepaul7's First BP run

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by thepaul7 »

I have now completed my cruise workout of my first BP run and I am taking a week off before I start famine again.

I followed the Blueprint pretty much to the tee and I am very happy with the results.

Here is how my maxes improved.

Feast: Bench 225lbs 1 rep ---->235lbs 1 rep (very clean rep with a chest touch and no bouncing)
Cruise: Bench 200lbs 5X5

Feast: Squat 250lbs 1 rep------>265lbs 1 rep (Again controlled and lower than I have ever been before. To give you an idea the only time I had approached this weight before was with a smith machine and I never went this low)
Cruise: Squat 225lbs 5X5

I had run 5X5 before and these are new personal records for that format as well.

Bodyweight 184----->189lbs I have noticed a great recomposition effect even though I was eating like no tomorrow during feast and a little bit through cruise too. :D

I really like the progression of this program. All of the exercises make sense and there is no fluff to get caught up in or hurt yourself with. If you take it week by week and do not rush things you will see results. If you listen to your body and take time off when needed you will see great progress while lowering your risk of injury.

I ran the blueprint with these supplements.
Famine-- Now lecithin granules
Feast-- Now Maca, Anadraulic State GT
Cruise---Anadraulic state, Creatine Mono

I think it made sense for me to run this program without ecdy or testboosters first because I was able to get a feel for what I could improve on with my next run.

One thing is that I will be pushing myself harder during my EDT blocks because I spent a lot of time during this first run just figuring out an appropriate weight.

I would recommend this program to anyone who not only wants to break a plateau, but also who wants to get involved in a system of progressive gains that they can refine and build on. I know why rob calls it traction during feast, because some of the workouts I have done by comparison were just me spinning my wheels.

Anyways you know now how I feel about the program and you know I am going to start up another one in the next week and due to budget reasons, I will probably be running it with just creatine again.

Rob or anyone on their second or more runs should I do glp2 or should I run something else like super squats?
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work man!

On what to do next, it's really a pick 'em depending upon your goals. If its a big winter bulker... super squats would be great. Let me know on the goal and I'll throw some ideas out.

Terrific progress and REALLY happy it worked for you. Now, let's build upon these gains going forward!
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Post by beefcake66 »

Solid review, thanks for that.

Good luck with your next run :D
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Post by thepaul7 »

Rob I am leaning more towards a winter bulk and it would be the first time I actually do a bulk during winter. :) It would be interesting to run it along side a program geared for it. Would I need to buy the super squats book or do you think I can get enough from the basic outline you have for it in the blueprint? I may purchase the super squats book in the future, but right now I am keeping my budget extremely tight with any extra money only going to diapers and wipes right now. :lol:

Beefcake66 thanks for reading and for the good luck.
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Post by RobRegish »

You can probably get enough out of what's in the BP. Understand on the finances.

In the interim, if you have any questions about it you can post away here. If I still had my copy, I'd give it to you. Lent it out to another friend years ago and never saw it again :(
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Post by thepaul7 »

Okay Rob here are my first questions about incorporating Supersquats workout into feast.

Bench press or Dips - 2 sets of 12
Squat - 1 set of 20 supersetted with
Pullovers - 1 set of 20
Bent rows - 2 sets of 15

I am guessing I perform the squats first because that will take the most out of me.

Are the bent rows performed with a dumbbell or barbell?

Do I still do the 5 HIT workouts and get my maxes for bench and squat?
Is the bench more of an accessory exercise and I just find a weight that I can perform 12 reps with and move up as that gets easier?

What is better suited for this program the bench press or dips?

I know that I am supposed to do the 20 squats with a weight I can perform for 10 reps so should I be finding that out during the first 5 workouts?
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Post by RobRegish »

Bench press or Dips - 2 sets of 12
Squat - 1 set of 20 supersetted with
Pullovers - 1 set of 20
Bent rows - 2 sets of 15

I am guessing I perform the squats first because that will take the most out of me.

A. Correct. Do the bench/dips first as to do the squats first will zap your upper body strength.

Are the bent rows performed with a dumbbell or barbell?

A. Best with a DB IMO given you don't want to over-stress the back.

Do I still do the 5 HIT workouts and get my maxes for bench and squat?
Is the bench more of an accessory exercise and I just find a weight that I can perform 12 reps with and move up as that gets easier?

A. No. Establish a baseline for each movement and build from there.

What is better suited for this program the bench press or dips?

A. Probably dips.

I know that I am supposed to do the 20 squats with a weight I can perform for 10 reps so should I be finding that out during the first 5 workouts?

A. You'll have to play this by ear. I'd suggest starting with something you can get 20 reps with and perhaps have 1 or 2 left in the tank. Wish I could give you a better guideline but his point in the book is... most people don't push themselves. Push just far enough you have a rep or two left. After that, add 5lbs each session!
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Post by thepaul7 »

Thanks for the responses Rob!

I can understand his point that people don't push themselves. Too many people workout on autopilot and expect results.

I will follow your advice and I am actually looking forward to famine starting up next week.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man!

Righ here for you if you need me :)
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