~Jeff's 1st Blueprint bulking run~

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~Jeff's 1st Blueprint bulking run~

Post by Jeff »

Hi everyone.

New to the blueprint. Bought the blueprint 2 weeks ago and have been reading over it and the forums since. Took the 1 week break suggested before starting famine.

A little bit of History Have been working out on and off for 4 years. The reason I started initially was because I got tired of being "that skinny guy". I've always been the kid that gets picked on. Also, when I would ask girls out they would just look at me like I'm an idiot and then laugh right in my face. So, in a way a lot of events that have taken place in my childhood and teenhood have given me drive and motivation to get my ass to the gym and then push through any workout that I throw at myself. I have made decent progress, but no where near the progress I could have made from a consistent schedule. Also, hasn't helped not having a good consistent diet along the way. Now, just to compound the problem, I'm an ectomorph which has made gaining weight a chore and a half to say the least.

Short term goal To get to a weight of 150 lbs 10-12% bf

Long term goal To get to a weight of 180 lbs 10-12% bf

I started on the blueprint 5 days ago, and have since finished the famine phase.

Age: 21
Height: 5'8
Body fat 12%
Weight pre famine: 136 lbs
Weight post famine: 130 lbs
Weight post famine post workout #3 after hard core sauna session: 129 lbs

RHR pre famine: 54 bpm
RHR post famine: 63 bpm

Suggested daily calorie intake: body weight x8 = 1080 cal
First 2 days royally f'ed up.
That aside, I was still very hungry the whole 5 days.
1st workout not so hard.
2nd workout: Wow totally kicked my ass
3rd workout: Damn! just damn! Didn't know what I was in for.

Famine day 1: Banana: 130 cal
Apple: 80 cal
Oats: 150 cal
Mixed nuts: 170 cal
Raisins: 130 cal
Milk 2 cups: 292 cal
vegetables: 120 cal
half can yams: 295 cal
= 1367 cal

Famine day 2: Banana
Nat pnut but+honey+flax sandwich on wheat bread: 460cal
Mix nuts
Milk 1 cup
2 cookies
Tiny can of bake beans
= 1706 cal

Famine day 3: Apple
Yams small can (spread out through the day): 590 cal
= 930 cal

Famine day 4: Banana
V8 low sod 2 cups: 100 cal
Salad+Vin+olive oil (through out the day): 380 cal
Spirulina: 10 cal
Mix nuts: 170 cal
V8 2 cups: 100 cal
= 1050 cal

Famine day 5: Apple
Banana x2
Salad+vin+olive oil: 380 cal
= 1030 cal

Supplements: Multi, Whey, Spirulina, Creatine, Beta alanine, Bioforge pro max, Pre w/o: Presurge unleashed, Intra w/o: Intrabolic.
Will not be taking any ecdy this run. Perhaps on my 2nd run.

1st day of feast today and have been eating all day.
Will update later.
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Post by Joekenny187 »

Hey and welcome, looks like me and you are on the same boat. Today is my first day of feast as well.. and.. im trying to bulk up too. I hope you have an awesome run and meet your goal of 150lbs!
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Post by Jeff »

Thanks man. That's pretty cool, will be keeping an eye on your log for sure!
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Post by RobRegish »

Welcome aboard!

Your detail/notes bodes well. I've seen this before and can tell you that this has all the makings of a big run. You WILL get there and we will do it TOGETHER.

Right there with you in the ecto dept. 16 years old, 6' tall and a whopping 143lbs. I have a picture but damned if I can figure out how to post it here. You guys would be rolling!

My message is this, welcome home man. I am at your service...
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Post by Jeff »

Blueprint Day 20 / Feast Day 15

Feast W/O #2 3 days rest between w/o 1 and 2

-BP 140x6
-db pullovers

-SQ 155x6
-SLDL 115x6

-EDT Block = 16min = 6 sets
-Incline DB press 40lb 6 x 6 x 8 x 8 x 10 x 10
-T-bar rows 55lb 6 x 6 x 8 x 8 x 10 x 10

-EDT #2 (Did this light. Wasn't sure if I was doing the RDL's correctly.)
-RDL 115 6x6x6x6x8x10
-Leg press 160 6x6x6x6x8x10

Feast W/O #3 3 days rest between #2 and #3

-BP 155x4 PR (not expected, should have done 160)
-db pullovers 50lbx5

-SQ 175x3 PR
-SLDL 135x5

-Inc DB press 45lb 6x6x6x7x7x10
-T-bar rows 60lb 6x6x6x7x7x10
=84 in 20min

-EDT #2
-RDL 135 6x6x6x7x8x10
-Leg press 180 6x6x6x7x8x10
=86 in 20m

Feast W/O #4 2 days rest

-BP 145x7 PR
-DB pullover 50x8

-SQ 155x7 PR
-SLDL 135x8

-Inc DB press 45lb 6x6x7x9x10x10
-T-bar rows 60lb 6x6x8x9x10x10
=97 in 20min (approx 12% increase)

-EDT #2 N/A (Ran out of time. Had to go chow down on some all you can eat sushi! Tore it up!)

Was having trouble with the EDT in the first 2 workouts. Trying to find the right weight and the right form for the exercises was a hassle. But found the track for the most part during w/o #3,#4.

Strength seems to be going up nicely, but my body weight seems to have stalled out at 134. Have been at 134 for approx 6 days now. Starting weight before famine was 136. Any ideas as to why something like that would happen? Should I try eating more? Keeping cals steady at around 2800-3000 atm.
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Post by Jeff »

Blueprint day 27 ~ Feast day 22 (Black Friday 26th)

W/O #5 Max

BP - 175x1 PR

SQ - 195x1 PR


-Inc db: 50lb 6x6x6x6x8x8

-Tbar: 65lb 6x6x6x6x7x8

EDT #2

-RDL: 145lb 6x6x6x6x8x8

-Leg press: 180lb 6x6x6x6x7x9

W/O #4 was on the 19th. Planned to do W/O #5 on the 22nd, but friend wanted to do some core exercises and I got dragged into it. So had to hold off on the maxing right up through thanksgiving. Very pleased so far, as far as strength goes. Bench press max before the blueprint was 165, up 10lbs. Squat max before BP was 180, up 15lbs so far. And body weight is now back up to what it was pre famine (136lb).

Will be starting GLP either tomorrow or the 30th, depending on if I'm still sore from last W/O. A couple of questions before I get started on the GLP. If I'm peaking 2 lifts (SQ and BP), would I only do 1 exercise per W/O? For example, GLP day 1 ~ W/O 1 - Bench press + EDT work. Then, GLP day 2 ~ W/O 2 - Squat + EDT work? And if that's right, should I have a rest day in between those 2 workouts?

Very pleased with results from the BP so far! And cant wait to be able to max 200lb on bench. Getting close!
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, you've got it right. Suggest at least one and if in doubt, a one on/two off workout frequency. New PR's this early bode well.

Get ready for a whole new set of them with GLP 1! :)
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Post by Jeff »

GLP W/O #1 blueprint day 31 / Nov 30th

Bench press: All sets completed as prescribed.

EDT - Inc DB press 50lbs
- T bar rows 65lbs

then messed up and did RDL and leg press for the 2nd EDT. Looked back on the forums when I got back and was like.. whoops.. haha So, had to wait 3 days till I could do GLP W/O #2 with Squats.

Will update some more later, when I have time.
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Post by RobRegish »

That's OK Jeff. Great work and glad you nailed everything on GLP!
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