GLP 1 and overtraining

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GLP 1 and overtraining

Post by oliverparsons »

Hey guys, I made it through famine and my first 5 feast workouts. Starting GLP1 monday.

I understand that the split is:

Day 1: bench then EDT blocks (decline bench into cable rows) and then static holds.
Day 2: squat then EDT blocks (deadlifts into leg sled) and then static hold ab crunch.
I'll be mixing up the EDT blocks on each of these days to keep things interesting.

My question is that during GLP1 I see some people doing 2 day on/1 off, or maybe 1on/1off or 1on/2off. I know the point is not to overtrain, we should know our body best and when i doubt take an extra day off.

If I did my GLP bench workout on Monday and then GLP squat workout on Tuesday (as shown above), would that be overtraining? Im afraid that the EDT cable rows during my monday workout would then be followed up by EDT deadlifts during my tuesday squat workout. Would that be overkill for my back doing 2 days on?

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Post by RobRegish »

Some can do this but I much prefer the 1on/1off or 1on/2off approach. Just more manageable and yes, I feel 2 days in a row takes more out of you.

If you're young... maybe. If there's any doubt in your mind. Take at least the 1 on 1 off approach. I'm 41 now so 1 on 2off is aggressive for me. Unless of course, I'm using Dr. Connelly's Progenex :)

Then I'm 16 again...
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Post by the_buffer »

Personally I did a 1 on/1off and I think that was even too much for me and I should've gone with 1 on/2 off. My feeling now is that it's better to have too many days off than too few.
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