What Supplements To Get, 17 years old

Serious supplementation, focused on the MASS line at BodyBuildingSupplements.com
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What Supplements To Get, 17 years old

Post by erick15 »

I am 17 and am about to start the blueprint and I am wondering what the best supplements to get would be.

Right now what I am thinking of getting is:

Kre-Anabolyn X 3
MASS PRO Amino X 3
Gamma GH X 1
Burn It Up X 1

Is there anything else that I should get?
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Post by RobRegish »

As always, consult your doc but IMO, solid lineup right there.

The GammaGH is the one oulier. At 17 I'd think your GH levels are optimal. Otherwise, BCAA and non-hormonals like Kre-anabolyn and Burn It Up are great alertatives to the PH's out there.... especially withing the context of The Blueprint!

Right here for you if you have any questions... :)
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Post by Justin »

I'm 18 and currently using kre Anabolyn, bcaa, monohydrate after workout, and leucine!and obviously of cource omega 3 and protein :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Man that is a SMART move on the Leucine.

You'll be reading why in 3.0... :lol:
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Post by erick15 »

Ok, I think I will go with:

Kre-Anabolyn X 3
MASS PRO Amino X 3
Burn It Up X 1

Originally I was going to just continue my protein I am currently using but after reading about cold process whey I think I might as well try it. What flavor do you think is the best. I think I am going to order one flavored and one mvp.

Does Mass sell a leucine product, if not where is the best place to get it?
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Post by RobRegish »

If you're a chocolate lover there is no finer IMHO. The vanilla too, is fantastic. Many love the Berries n' Cream too. You just can't go wrong, especially given the quality.

And that is the key term, QUALITY. You can buy 2lbs of crap elsewhere for a lot cheaper, but it's just that - crap. Sorry, just my opinion. Whatever you use ESPECIALLY PROTEIN... please make sure it's quality as it builds right into your structure.

I've done my homework now I'll leave it up to you.
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Post by askmass »

erick15 wrote:Does Mass sell a leucine product, if not where is the best place to get it?
We did for many years, a medical industry based one called Muscle Mino, but they changed the formula and essentially neutered it as a stand alone Leucine supplement in our opinion.

A lot of otherwise good and smart formulators just don't understand how to properly formulate protein/amino items.

We do have some new things in the works... I'll leave any current recommendation for Rob to pass along.
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Post by erick15 »

I ordered my supplements from mass Monday night and was wondering if I would get a confirmation email or a shipping number so that I could track my order.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

erick15 wrote:I ordered my supplements from mass Monday night and was wondering if I would get a confirmation email or a shipping number so that I could track my order.
I believe one will come via email as soon as they process it

MASS handles all their stuff offline and BY HAND as opposed to computerized so sometimes it might take a day or two extra

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Post by RobRegish »

This is true. You'll get your stuff :) but it isn't sent without some care/thought/additional resources to help you get the most out of them.

These boards for example...

It'd be real easy to link to the store and promote the hell out of everything MASS carries yet we talk freely about Ebol and other supps here.

Now AskMass isn't going to be going for Ebol banners and such but ask yourself.... how many other boards are there with NO link to a supplement store (that usually sells every line under the sun)?

Not many that I can think of. Just something to ponder...
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Post by erick15 »

Well if that is the case I probably won't get the supplements until next week which will be after I start the feast phase. Should I just wait until the next time I run the blueprint to use any supplements or just start using them a few days late.
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Post by RobRegish »

You can start them a few days late, no worries. Has been done before and can be done again.. You will be fine.
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Post by askmass »

Our processing-to-outbound times are not really much faster or slower than anyone else, for the most part.

Some companies will process orders from further away locations first in an effort to even out delivery times across the board, but how is that fair?

We are going to hold Tom's order from Atlanta just so he gets his package the same day as Bob in Seattle?

We believe the only fair way is first come first served. Granted, during busy times like the current annual sale the backlog can swell to 2-3 days (which is always true following weekends), so if you need/want/expect rush service it is best to opt for that selection.

The Rush option bumps you up in the que and guarantees you first processing and fastest delivery. Some people need and want that at times, others don't and plan ahead accordingly while enjoying free shipping.

What does irk me in a way is the many companies who will falsely boast of "same day lightening fast shipping", charge you through the nose for it, and still only deliver the standard 5-10 day turn around unless you live a state or two over from them.

Best to you guys. Our crew works hard to process and ship for you and we very much appreciate being able to serve you.

BTW, tracking comes directly from USPS or UPS and tends to follow actual outbound time stamps by 12 hours. Check your bulk folder if not received after an appropriate time. The onscreen confirmation that is rendered online right after placing an order with us is proof of our receipt, also.

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Post by askmass »

A quick addition to the advantages of processing by hand-

I just responded to a PM where one of our brothers here had put "big annual sale discount" into the *Voucher instead of the posted "official" code.

He thought the mistake had knocked him out of the discount, and without manual processing it would have.

Anyway, I checked, and sure enough Ashley had tagged it for the full discount and bonus coupon - so, he's good to go!

The biggest reason we process by hand is for maximum safety and security of your info, though. Real time online processing is for the most part secure, but does not approach the lock tight offline system we and others still insist on utilizing, either.

We have never had one single security breach of card or personal info in 18 years, not to mention never once selling off personal name/address/email info like so very many do.

Live by the golden rule.
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