3 reads and 4 hours in - I think I'm more confused than ever

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3 reads and 4 hours in - I think I'm more confused than ever

Post by sloop »

Today is Day 1 in the faminie phase for me, just starting my maiden voyage into this blueprint journey. As I read over the program for the 3rd time, more of it comes into focus but I still have some questions to ask first though.

- Why no deadlift in the famine phase? Wouldn't this be considered a taxing stress on the body to further amp up the alarm phase?

- For the first 5 workouts of the feast phase, are you suggesting to space 5 workouts out over a two week time frame? The line "I find two workouts a week during this phase optimal" makes it sound like these 5 workouts should take around 2 weeks to complete?

- The first 72 hours of the feast phase... Just so I'm clear - no workouts during this time? It's just a big ol' binge fest? Working out is the last thing I feel like doing after eating big meals...

- Immediately after you detail these 5 workouts, you go right into the 'German Loading Pattern #1' where it references a 'big barbell of your life of your choice' - what is this? In laymen terms, what are these 6 workouts here? For example, "Workout 1: 6 sets as follows - 50%x10, 54%x8, etc." What am I doing sets of?

- During the 30-42 day feast phase, do I simply do the feasting workouts #1 - #5 over and over during this time? Still seperated by 2 days rest in between?

- Loaded stretching, on flat bench, I assume this is just lowering the BB to a point above your chest and holding it there, stretching out the pec muscles? (for example) Or do you recommend 1-2" below lockout?

- You touch on Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty & Charley Staley EDT workouts - should we be doing these in the feast phase only? Do we do both of these, or just choose one?

- The role of cardio in all this? I'd rather not gain weight, (I should say I would rather not gain FAT) so I need to hit the spin bike religiously or pounds pile up. Is this counter-productive to muscle growth and personal gains?

I've spent the better part of my entire morning reading over stickies in this forum, and reading over threads from pages and pages back. Some of the information makes sense, some of it I'm sure will make sense - eventually. :shock:

Yes I am fully aware of the "Read this first" link below:

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=730

Any specific help is appreciated.
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Post by RobRegish »

Welcome Sloop!

Let's take your questions one by one. Here we go!!

- Why no deadlift in the famine phase? Wouldn't this be considered a taxing stress on the body to further amp up the alarm phase?

A. Fair question. The squat in combination with rowing/heavy emphasis on back work and other compound lifts takes care of the "alarm" signal. You COULD replace the SQ with the DL yes but trust me..... using the SQ is enough. Whatever you do, don't add the DL in addition to the SQ..

- For the first 5 workouts of the feast phase, are you suggesting to space 5 workouts out over a two week time frame? The line "I find two workouts a week during this phase optimal" makes it sound like these 5 workouts should take around 2 weeks to complete?

A. In a 1 on, 2 off format yes it'll take around that time to complete. I wouldn't worry too much about the 2 week thing. Just ensure you're recovering adequately between sessions. Same goes for transition into GLP and your workouts there.

- The first 72 hours of the feast phase... Just so I'm clear - no workouts during this time? It's just a big ol' binge fest? Working out is the last thing I feel like doing after eating big meals...

A. Correct. Eat up and sleep :)

- Immediately after you detail these 5 workouts, you go right into the 'German Loading Pattern #1' where it references a 'big barbell of your life of your choice' - what is this? In laymen terms, what are these 6 workouts here? For example, "Workout 1: 6 sets as follows - 50%x10, 54%x8, etc." What am I doing sets of?

A. After you complete the 5 workout bridge into Feast, you'll have a new 1RM in hand for both SQ and BP. You'll take a 2, maybe 3 day break and commence GLP1, which is the loading pattern you're referring to. There are 6 workouts apiece there, so if looking to peak both the SQ and BP (recommended), you'd alternate one upper body workout with a lower body one for 12 total workouts with the GLP sessions. If you look at the "sample feast phase training template" stickie #1, it details everything including how to arrange your EDT blocks, frequency etc.

- During the 30-42 day feast phase, do I simply do the feasting workouts #1 - #5 over and over during this time? Still seperated by 2 days rest in between?

A. No. As per my above comments, it's 5 workouts as a bridge into Feast and then you transition into GLP workouts for the remainder of Feast. Your frequency schedule is individual, but I find most do very well starting with a 1on/2off and inserting extra rest days as necessary. This "as necessary" recommendation includes the second you see/feel signs of over-training setting in. I.E. your strength increases start slowing, feeling beat up, disinclination to train etc.

- Loaded stretching, on flat bench, I assume this is just lowering the BB to a point above your chest and holding it there, stretching out the pec muscles? (for example) Or do you recommend 1-2" below lockout?

A. No, an example of a loaded stretch would be the DB pullover. The flat bench wouldn't be an example of this. Another loaded stretch would be seated cable rows with the emphasis on the bottom portion of the lift, really feeling the stretch in the lats, etc..

- You touch on Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty & Charley Staley EDT workouts - should we be doing these in the feast phase only? Do we do both of these, or just choose one?

A. You should be doing both and workouts 1-5 bridge into feast feature both. Your GLP sessions feature the GLP sets and THEN your EDT blocks. These again are detailed in the stickies in my sig under "sample feast phase training template".

- The role of cardio in all this? I'd rather not gain weight, (I should say I would rather not gain FAT) so I need to hit the spin bike religiously or pounds pile up. Is this counter-productive to muscle growth and personal gains?

A. No, high intensity interval training is our preferred approach and ideally its performed in a fasted state. REASON: With blood glucose low you'll burn the same # of calories as in a fed state but a higher percentage of those calories will come from stored bodyfat.

With little to no glucose available to burn, your body will turn to bodyfat for fuel :)

Hope that helps!
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Post by sloop »

Yes, definitely helps, thanks.

My printed copy of the BP looks like a road map with all the writing and highlighting I have made all over it over the course of reading it multiple times. :D

Unfortunately, I feel a 4th time is in order, now that some of my questions are cleared up.

I think, for me, I'm going to need to approach this 1 workout at a time, and not look 2 weeks down the road. This is probably second nature to you old schoolers, but for those of us just getting our feet wet - this is a lot to take in.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yep. I sure do appreciate what you're putting into it too. If you need any additional guidance, by all means PM me.

We can work things out there, here or wherever you'd like :)
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Post by sloop »

Thanks, I started a log on nolinksplease.com in the logs forum for those interested.

Being stuck at work all weekend sucks, by the time I get in the gym Monday evening it will have been 4 days so I was last in, so I am itching to get going on this!
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Post by RobRegish »

Appreciate the enthusiasm!

I'll be here (and there) every step of the way, as promised. Feel free to share details here, over there though any detailed stuff... PM please. Just looking out for you/others to protect your investment in BP!!
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