Shoulder Rehab

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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Had to abandon the 10% solution for now. Once I started getting heavier on my squats it really started to aggravate my shoulder. I took a break and began a more traditional hypertrophy leg program for now. Those calf workouts are doing the trick though. My calves are already becoming more defined and I am finally adding some size to them.

Good news is that my rehab has gone well and I should be able to light upper body work soon.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man.

Good move and glad at least the calf routine is working for you!!
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Post by PushingTheLimit »


Shoulder isnt getting much better. 6 month post surgery and no improvements. Really discouraging. Not going to lie when I say its hard to stay motivated when dealing with this shoulder issue though. Really limits my training.

On a positive note I am hitting legs hard though with a push pull routine. Strength is returning slowly but surely. Calves are really starting to come in though. For the first time I can start to see the split in them!
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man.

Keep focusing on the good and perhaps we'll revisit the original re-hab plan? Seemed to work well for you while we had it going..
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

I have been performing the rehab my physical therapist has layed out for me. I feel my shoulder getting stronger but the pain sets in the day after my workout knocking me of the gym for a couple days.

I visited my orthopedic surgeon today and said he honestly doesnt know what it is. MRI showed inflammation at the AC joint so I was given a steroid shot. Hurt like hell! But it has become just a guessing game for now. Try one thing and move on if it doesnt work.

Either way I will find a way to work around it or if I have to work throught it.
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Steroid shot has worked so far. Pain free right now with the exception of some tightness due to scar tissue. Not sure how long these shots last but I hope its for awhile. Best my shoulder has felt in a year.
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Post by RobRegish »

Careful on those shots... they were likely cortisone and that's BAD news for muscle building. Worse news b/c although you "feel" better, you're tricking your body and can injure it worse.

When you take cortisone, it does provide "relief". It comes at a cost though. Mother nature delivers the "pain" feeling for a reason.... By circumventing her signals you'll fool her - for awhile.

Sooner or later though, she figures it out. And when that day comes well, hopefully your Dr. has already told you this; you can only take so many cortisone shots.

I'm going to mull this over to try and find a better solution for you. If you're open to it, please PM me a summery of all your relevant medical data, start to finish.

I'f you're not down with that, no offense taken. I'm not a Dr., but I'm not limited to their solutions either (drugs, drugs and more drugs ultimately leading to surgery). Even after that they've got you on.... drugs.

Sleep on that and let me know what you think. Here to help if I can... :)
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Thanks. PM sent
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Post by PushingTheLimit »

Got my MRI results back. Labrum is intact and there is no loosening of the anchors used in the surgery. I do however have a slight tear in my infraspinatus tendon. This however shoulder heal on its own. I am cleared to lift with very minor restrictions. I am going to continue strengthening my shoulders over the next few months to prevent any further injury. Finally back in business...I hope :)
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Post by RobRegish »

PushingTheLimit wrote:Got my MRI results back. Labrum is intact and there is no loosening of the anchors used in the surgery. I do however have a slight tear in my infraspinatus tendon. This however shoulder heal on its own. I am cleared to lift with very minor restrictions. I am going to continue strengthening my shoulders over the next few months to prevent any further injury. Finally back in business...I hope :)
GREAT news!!!

So happy for you. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance...
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