Recomp Works

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Recomp Works

Post by drtda »

I just finished up my recomp that Rob custom designed for me.

I would definitely recommend this for anyone, although it is different than the typical Blueprint training, and may be tougher in some respects.

I've been lifting for 20 years, so any gains are hard to come by, but this has been one of the best programs I've ever been on. I started at 174.2 pounds and ended at 176.1, with a gain of 3 pounds muscle and 1 pound of fat loss.

The crazy part is that once I started cruise, I began to set PR's in almost everything.

Dumbell Bench went from 100 X 7 to 102.5 (5 X 5).
Zane Leg Blaster went from 315 X 4 to 325 (5 X 5)
Stiff-leg Dumbell Deadlifts went from 100 X 6 to 107.5 (5 X 5)
Dips went from Body Weight + 70 X 7 to Body Weight + 95 (5 X 5)

The PR's are a little more difficult to calculate because in previous programs I worked up to 1 heavy set, where here I was doing a 5 X 5, which is a lot more work and intensity.
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Post by SkyZero »

Nice job on the recomp! What was your intake like? I might want to take a recomp approach to the blueprint as I've been cutting and don't know if i want to go on an all out bulk phase.
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Post by drtda »

Rob had me do the zig-zag approach going with 100% maint calories on lifting days and 90% on non-lifting days. Every 2 weeks I reduced calories another 10% on non-lifting days. I was on maint level calories during Cruise.

My next run I'm going to do a somewhat more traditional Blueprint run, but I'll probably come back to the recomp sometime next spring. I may jump the calories up a little bit in that run to see if I can gain more muscle mass while not adding any bodyfat.
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Post by RobRegish »

So happy for you man. Guys are doing great on these customized program and I'm over the moon!
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