How to do a recomp

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How to do a recomp

Post by cwaranch »

Can someone please lay out how to do a successful recomp for gonna cut a little bit more before starting the BP and then want to do somewhat of a recomp. Im 5'6" 160 and prolly around 15% bodyfat...i want abs again :(
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Post by the_buffer »

many books have been written on this so I'll try to be brief...

calorie cycling is the key.

3:1 ratio is what works best for me (three days at about 0.8 * TDEE followed by 1 day of 1.1* TDEE) with a macronutrient ratio of about 50/30/20 - carbs/protein/fat.

I can't stress this next bit enough... moderation is the key. If you try to cut too much too quickly by dropping down your calories and carbs too drastically you will wind up burning a lot of lean mass, so patience is important. Try to lose about 2 lbs per week and you should be fine.

edit: I just realized we are in the training section...

if it is training advice you want, do 3-5 days of cardio and 3-4 days of weight training. I find circuit training works well for this, next time I actually want to use EDT as well.
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Post by cwaranch »

Ok...ya i think im just going to keep cutting how i am losing around 1-2 pounds a week for maybe 10 more pounds and then im going to use the BP for a bulk. I just dont feel like using BP for a cut would be beneficial because wouldnt be able to gain anything due to not having enough calories to grow.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

I find carb cycling to be the most efficient way i lose weight

i run well of low carbs (<150) to begin with, so i alternate between 200, 100, <50
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Post by the_buffer »

carb cycling worked for me when I was in the final stages of cutting, before that it only made me lose lean tissue... it is an extremely effective tool though.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good info here, all of it.

I can and do write customized re-comps. The real key is caloric cycling on training/non training days. Consider:

First 3 days of Feast: 120% of maint calories
Rest of the first 2 weeks: 100% on training days, 90% on off days
Next 2 weeks: 100% on training days, 80% on off days
Final 2 weeks: 1005 on training days, 70% on off days

I do make other training and dietary related adjustments but the above goes a LONG way to ensuring you end up with a nice re-comp effect come the end of Feast.

Any fat remaining (likely little to none) we can address in Cruise. Hope that helps!
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Post by cwaranch »

Rob would you say running the recomp how you say would be my best bet given my current stats and the main goal at the moment is getting cut.
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Post by RobRegish »

If your main goal is getting cut right now proceed with that until satisfied. Then, commence BP on a recomp basis.

Doing so should ensure a nice amount of hypertrophy with little to no fat reboung.

Best of both worlds :)
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Post by drtda »

I'm a few days late on this, but I'm just finishing up a recomp (1 week to go) that Rob personally designed for me.

The diet you should follow is exactly as he described with the calorie cycling corresponding to on/off days.

You may want to consult with him about the training aspect as it was quite different from the typical Blueprint workout. It's absolutely brutal, but once you build up your endurance, the weights start moving up and the bodyfat starts melting off.

When I finished feast, I was the exact same weight as before I started famine, but with 3-4 pounds less fat. I was already starting fairly lean at about 10% BF.

During my first 2 weeks of cruise I have kicked ass. The weights I've been throwing around on the 5 X 5's are crazy. I've already set several PR's.

Gotta give props to Rob for putting it together for me.
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Post by RobRegish »


I'm glad you did so well with my customized program. Working on two more as we speak :)

These take a LOT of time to put together but I am grateful for everyone who expresses interest. B/C the pirates have really eaten into BP sales :(

Still, reports like this keep me going and I will NEVER give up in my quest to deliver results like you're getting.

Glad it all worked out.. :)
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