** CAP's 1st BP RUN **

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Post by RobRegish »

Ah.. an excellent question!

I have counseled in the past to drop the EDT blocks completely to accentuate the de-load. Happy to say for virtually everyone this has worked well.

So, if you take my advice and succeed remember, I'm brilliant. However, if it doesn't work for you I'll cite the "virtually" excuse and cite you as an abberation.

Just kidding. Best advice:

Listen to your body. If it's asking for more, feed it more. If it's asking for rest, give it rest. Wish I could do you better than that but this is an experience/intuitive thing that comes with time. And in time... the BP teaches it.

You will know what to do (and what not to) and when. I am in a Zen mood tonight and speeding on loads of Burn It Up...
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Post by cappla011 »

DAY 41

Weight: 189 (+4.0 from starting weight) (weighed in yesterday)

This workout is from Sunday -

GLP1: W/O #9

Bench Press - 10x125, 8x185, 6x195, 4x215, 2x225

EDT Block #1
Incline DB press - 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 6x75
DB rows - 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
60 total sets

EDT Block #2
Overhead DB Extension - 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
Hammer Curls - 6x35, 6x35, 6x35, 6x35, 6x35
60 total sets

I felt a little weak this workout. I'm a little worried now that I might be stretching the Feast Phase a little too long. I hit every rep in the Bench Press, but I didn't feel very comfortable. EDT Block #1 was extremely tough, I was struggling the whole way through. On the absolute last rep of Incline DB Press, I got it 3/4 of the way up, and was stuck in that position for a good 5 seconds before I could muscle it up for a complete rep. I dunno if I've ever dug that deep before. EDT Block #2 wasn't too bad.

Unfortunately I forgot to check this thread before I hit the gym, and didn't see that you said that maybe it would be a good idea to forego the EDT Blocks. I think that maybe I should have, but oh well.

This workout is from yesterday -

GLP1: W/O #10

Squats - 10x155, 8x235, 6x250, 4x270, 2x295

DB Shrugs - 10x80, 10x80, 10x80

I decided to not do the EDT Blocks this workout, even though I felt pretty strong. I wanted to give my forearms a break from the normal reverse BB curls I do, that way they feel good for my Bench. I decided to still hit my shoulders though.

So Friday I will be shooting for 1 rep of 255lbs on the Bench Press, and Monday I will be shooting for 1 rep of 335lbs on the Squat. I am pretty confident I can get up the Squat of 335lbs, but not so positive about the 255lbs of Bench. Regardless, I'm happy with how this run has shaped up. Can't wait til Friday!
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