** CAP's 1st BP RUN **

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Post by RobRegish »

Solid start!

Love the wipe out pictures... You're strength is going to come back - fast. You'll see. Keep up the eating, resting and intensity. It is now just a matter of time... :)
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Post by cappla011 »

DAY 13

Weight: 183.5, -1 (-1.5lbs total from starting weight)

Weighed in a little lower than expected, thought I'd be around 186, but whatever it's okay. After looking in the mirror, I feel I have a lot more muscle and less fat than what I did before.

I have 2 workout's to post, so I'll start with Monday, 9-06-10.


Bench Press - 8x135, 4x165, 4x215 (2 assisted)
DB Pullover - 6x60

Incline DB press - 6x60, 6x60, 6x60, 6x60, 6x60
DB rows - 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 6x75
60 total sets

Squats - 8x135, 4x225, 5x275
Straight-legged Deadlifts - 6x185

Deadlifts - 6x155, 6x155, 6x155, 6x155, 6x155
Leg Sled - 6x230, 6x230, 6x230, 6x230, 6x230
60 total sets

** green color = warmup **

I was disappointed with this workout, mainly the bench press and squats. I feel very weak in both. I was hoping to get more reps in the bench press. For the squats, my range of motion/technique was pretty weak, and I just felt uncomfortable with the heavy set. But I won't lie, I went out two nights over labor day weekend and drank pretty heavily, and I think that took a toll on my body. So it was pretty much my own fault.

The following workout is from today, 9-08-10


Bench Press - 8x135, 4x185, 2x205, 3x225 (1 assisted)
DB Pullover - 3x70

Incline DB press - 6x65, 6x65, 6x65, 6x65, 6x65
DB rows - 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
60 total sets

Squats - 8x135, 4x185, 2x245, 3x285
Straight-legged Deadlifts - 3x185

Deadlifts - 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165
Leg Sled - 6x260, 6x260, 6x260, 6x260, 6x260
60 total sets

** green color = warmup **

Today's workout went much better IMO. I spent the past 2 days resting and eating. I've never tried 225 on bench before, and after last workout, I was nervous I wouldn't even be able to get up 1 rep. So I was happy when I pumped out 2 on my own. I increased the weight for all of my EDT Blocks to where I thought I would not be able to get 6 reps for all 5 sets, but I surprisingly did (but it was tough). I think next workout I'm going to increase Incline DB press by 5lbs, and the Leg Sled by 30lbs, and see how that works out.

And that's all! I think I'm gonna take off 2 days before the Deload workout, and then another 2 days before the new 1RM workout so I could put my best into it. See ya!
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Post by RobRegish »

Excellent work!

It's starting to catch on now.. the traction. Keep it going and you're zeroing in on the BIG variable here... FREQUENCY.

GOOD FOR YOU! That's is the key to this workout 1-5 transition phase and you're a fast learner. Keep us posted and if there's anything you need/guidance etc.... right here for ya.

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Post by cappla011 »

DAY 18

Weight: 185, +1.5 (even from starting weight) (weighed in yesterday)

I have 2 workouts to post, I'll start with Saturday 9/11.


Bench Press - 8x135, 4x155, 2x185, 7x205
DB pullover - 6x60

EDT Block #1
Incline DB press - 6x70, 6x70, 6x70, 6x70, 6x70
DB rows - 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
60 total sets

Squats - 8x135, 4x185, 2x225, 8x245
Straight-legged Deadlifts - 6x185

EDT Block #2
Deadlifts - 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165
Leg Sled - 6x290, 6x290, 6x290, 6x290, 6x290
60 total sets

** green color = warmup **

I was feeling extremely weak and tired during this workout, but all of my lifts were pretty decent. I successfully raised weight in Incline DB Press and Leg Sled, so that was nice. I would have liked to pump out a couple more reps in the bench press, but considering how crappy I felt, I can't complain with what I did.


Bench Press - 6x135, 4x155, 2x185, 1x205, 1x235
DB pullover - 5x60

EDT Block #1
Incline DB press - 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 4x75
DB rows - 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
58 total sets

Squats - 6x135, 4x185, 2x225, 1x275, 1x305

EDT Block #2
Deadlifts - 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165
Leg Sled - 6x310, 6x310, 6x310, 6x310, 6x310
60 total sets

** green color = warmup **

I was very, VERY, VERY, VERY happy with this workout! For some reason I just have a huge mental block when going for heavy weight on bench press. I've never attempted 235 before, and I was nervous I wouldn't get it. So when I finally attempted it, and pumped it out successfully, I was SUPER EXCITED! I'm actually a little upset I didn't try 245, because I think I might have gotten it. But for the German Loading Phase 1, I'm going to use 240lbs as my 1RM weight, but possibly adjust to 245lbs depending on how things are going.

This was also my first time ever using 75lbs with incline DB press. I was extremely happy with that EDT block, I REAAAAAAALLY pushed my way through a lot of those reps. Normally I'd just give in and not be able to get it up, but I felt super focused and pumped out a couple reps that I normally would fail at. I think 75lbs is a great weight for me, and I'll prolly be sticking with it for a little while.

After such a uplifting chest session, I knew failure was not an option with squats. I've never tried higher than 285, so 305 was a big jump. But I successfully pumped it out, AND has a good range of motion. I hate when people have 1,000lbs on there, and are practically just doing calf raises, there range of motion is so terrible, and they think they're hot shit. Disgrace. But I got down pretty deep, so I was happy. Again, I kinda wish I tried just attempted 315, that way I could say I did 3 plates on each side too. I forgot to do the straight-legged deadlift right after, but no big deal.

The 2nd EDT set was also pretty good, added more weight on the Leg Sled. Might add a little more next workout.

So now onto the German Loading Phase! Once again, I'll be using 240lbs (maybe increase to 245lbs) for bench press, and 305 (maybe increase to 315lbs) for squats. Will probably do my first workout Thursday, maybe tomorrow depending how I'm feeling.
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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT work!

Now as elated as you are, prepare yourself. B/C GLP has a GREAT track record of blowing even those #'s out of the water :)
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Post by cappla011 »

DAY 21

Weight: 186, +1 (+1 from starting weight) (weighed in yesterday)

This workout is from yesterday.

GLP1: W/O #1

Bench Press - 10x125, 8x135, 8x145, 8x160, 8x175, 8x190

EDT Block #1
Incline DB press - 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 5x75, 4x75
DB rows - 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
57 total sets

EDT Block #2
Overhead DB Extension - 6x65, 6x65, 6x65, 6x65, 6x65
Hammer Curls - 6x30, 6x30, 6x30, 6x30 6x30
60 total sets

This workout was a lot more tiring than I thought it was gonna be. I thought I was gonna breeze through the Bench Press, but I just barely got up my last rep. I guess I shouldn't be suprised though, I have not been doing anywhere near that many reps (which was 50 this workout). I did one less rep in the Incline DB Press, but considering how much more drained I was after bench than last workout, I was pretty happy.

The 2nd EDT Block was my first time I tried these exercises in superset fashion. I was already pretty exhausted going into it, so I played it safe. I probably played it too safe though, because it was pretty easy. Next time I am going to add 10lbs to the Overhead DB Extension, and 5lbs to the Hammer Curls.

Squat workout tomorrow! I decided for my 2nd EDT Block, I am going to do DB Shrugs followed by Behind-the-back Barbell Wrist Curls, mainly because I wanted to hit my traps, and I have small forearms that I want to work on getting bigger.
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic work and glad to hear it. GLP will get those maxes up in a hurry and your EDT work will take care of the hypertrophy.

Glad to hear it man, glad to hear it!
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Post by cappla011 »

DAY 25

Weight: 186 (+1 from starting weight) (weighed in 2 days ago)

This workout is from 2 days ago.

GLP1: W/O #2

Squats - 10x155, 8x175, 8x185, 8x205, 8x225, 8x245

EDT Block #1
Deadlifts - 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165
Leg sled - 6x310, 6x310, 6x310, 6x310, 6x310
60 total sets

EDT Block #2
DB Shrugs - 6x65, 6x65, 6x65, 6x65, 6x65
Behind-the-back barbell wrist curls - 6x60, 6x60, 6x60, 6x60 6x60
60 total sets

This was a hard workout, but I got through all the reps successfully. Nothing else really interesting to note.

Today I will be doing my Bench workout. I kinda slacked on getting the calories in over the past 2 days, so I won't be suprised if I lost a pound or two. I ran out of my Cytogainer Weight Gainer powder, and it seems everytime I get off of it I lose weight immediately. Hopefully it doesn't affect my strength too much. I put in an order for it yesterday, so hopefully it gets here quick.
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Post by RobRegish »

Looks like you nailed all of them!

GREAT work!!!
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Post by cappla011 »

DAY 25

Weight: 186, (+1 from starting weight) (weighed in today)

Today's workout -

GLP1: W/O #3

Bench Press - 10x125, 8x145, 6x160, 6x175, 6x190, 6x205

EDT Block #1
Incline DB press - 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 6x75
DB rows - 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
60 total sets

EDT Block #2
Overhead DB Extension - 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 6x75
Hammer Curls - 6x35, 6x35, 6x35, 6x35, 6x35
60 total sets

Today's workout was WOW WOW WOW!!!!!

First off, I was off a little bit in calories the last 2 days, and haven't been taking my normal weight gaining whey protein (Cytogainer), so I thought I was going to be off a couple pounds. But surprisingly when I hit the scale, I was still 186. I was surprised because when I looked in the mirror I thought I even looked skinnier than normal, but I think it might have just been mental. So going into this workout, I was already expecting it to be a crappy one.

BOY WAS I WRONG! I definitely felt the best I have in this routine yet. A couple weeks ago I was doing 6 reps of 205lbs after like probably 12 light reps (aka full strength), and REALLY struggled to get all 6. This workout I did a total of 36 reps before 6 reps of 205lbs, and I did it without a spotter, and felt pretty darn good doing it.

This was the first time I got up all 60 reps of EDT Block #1, and I reaaaaally wasn't expecting that. I just started 75lbs on incline DB press, and can't believe how well I've done with it so fast. It seemed like just yesterday 70lbs was killing my wrist and I couldn't even get up the first rep of it, so it's awesome to be killing 75lbs like this.

And then the 2nd EDT block also felt pretty good. But sadly, I think the 35lbs for hammer curls was the hardest part of the workout. I am just terrible at bicep workouts, but whatever, you have to have a weak spot somewhere. Next workout I'm gonna up the Overhead DB Extension to 80lbs, 75lbs was way too comfortable.

So very exciting! I think right now I'm at the strongest I've ever been, and it sure feels great! Squat workout #2 on Wednesday!
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Post by RobRegish »

So happy for you man :)
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Post by cappla011 »

DAY 34

Weight: 187.5, (+2.5 from starting weight) (weighed in yesterday)

Much overdue update. Sorry about the delay, been pretty busy. I got like 4 workouts to post.

9-22-10 workout (Wednesday) -

GLP1: W/O #4

Squats - 10x155, 8x185, 6x205, 6x225, 6x245, 6x265

EDT Block #1
Deadlifts - 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165
Leg Sled - 6x310, 6x310, 6x310, 6x310, 6x310
60 total sets

EDT Block #2
DB Shrugs - 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
Behind-the-back barbell wrist curls - 6x60, 6x60, 6x60, 6x60 6x60
60 total sets

This was a pretty standard workout. Worked hard as usual, and hit all the sets.

9-25-10 workout (Saturday) -

GLP1: W/O #5

Bench Press - 10x125, 8x165, 6x175, 4x185, 4x205, 4x215

Unfortunately, this was my whole workout. I work at an Army fort, and workout for free at the gym on the base. Well I got to the gym at like 3:20, and didn't realize they closed at 4:00. So I pumped out the bench, and then had to leave :(

9-27-10 workout (Monday) -

GLP1: W/O #6

Squats - 10x155, 8x205, 6x225, 4x245, 4x260, 4x275

EDT Block #1
Deadlifts - 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165
Leg Sled - 6x310
DB Lunges - 6x40, 6x40, 6x40, 6x40 (6 reps each leg)
60 total sets

EDT Block #2
DB Shrugs - 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
Behind-the-back barbell wrist curls - 6x60, 6x60, 6x60, 6x60 6x60
60 total sets

Another standard Squat workout. My lower back has been getting very very sore. I might lower the Deadlifts a little because I'm worried about pulling a muscle in my lower back. We'll see how I feel before the next workout.

Of course I do my first set of Deadlifts then follow with Leg Sled. As I'm on the Leg Sled, some gigantic older woman walks over and sits on the calf raise next to me, pumping out 10lb reps. I keep thinking in my head "you better not jump on this the minute I leave". So I take my 2 min rest at the Leg Sled machine, run over and pump out my deadlifts, run back, and of course she is sitting on the Leg Sled ripping out 40lb reps. saeofihewoiafhweoifhoeiwqfhoiewh!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I just grabbed dumbbells and did Dumbbell lunges instead (and damn they hurt!).

9-28-10 workout (Tuesday) -

GLP1: W/O #7

Bench Press - 10x125, 8x175, 6x185, 4x205, 2x215, 2x235 (1 minor assistance)

EDT Block #1
Incline DB press - 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 6x75, 6x75
DB rows - 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
60 total sets

EDT Block #2
Overhead DB Extension - 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
Hammer Curls - 6x35, 6x35, 6x35, 6x35, 6x35
60 total sets

This was a very good workout. I decided to hit the gym the day after my Squat workout, because it is year-end at my job, and I'm literally gonna be in the office all day today and tomorrow. And I felt fine. This way I can hit Squats again on Friday.

My Bench Press felt great. I pumped out the 1 rep of 235 with a very solid form, so I decided to shoot for one more. He claimed he didn't help me at all for the 2nd rep, but I noticed his hand was on the bar, so I think I had some minor assistance. Either way, this was my 1RM from earlier, and was after a much more intense 5 sets of bench where I definately felt more worn down, so I'm happy with what I got.

One more Squat workout, then time to De-load!!
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Post by RobRegish »

All very nice. Great work man... GREAT work!

Keep chuggin' along...
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Post by cappla011 »

DAY 37

Weight: 187.8 (+2.8 from starting weight) (weighed in yesterday)

This workout is from yesterday.

GLP1: W/O #8

Squats - 10x155, 8x225, 6x240, 4x260, 2x275, 2x295

EDT Block #1
Deadlifts - 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165, 6x165
Leg sled - 6x310, 6x330, 6x350, 6x350, 6x350
60 total sets

EDT Block #2
DB Shrugs - 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80, 6x80
Behind-the-back barbell wrist curls - 6x60, 6x60, 6x60, 6x60 6x60
60 total sets

I feel like I've been saying this every recent workout, but I felt like this was my strongest workout yet. I felt amazingly strong. Squats were great; the 295 was heavy, but I pumped out 295 twice, and felt good doing it. The Deadlifts were not as hard as normal, and didn't put as much strain on my lower back, which is good. Also, I thought it was ridiculous how much easier the Leg Sled was. 310 was cake so I jumped to 330, still was easy so I jumped to 350... honestly, I felt like I could have added 20 lbs everytime, ending at 410, and probably would have still pumped out every rep. But I decided to stay at 350... for some reason, prolly didnt want to hurt myself. I thought this was amazing, because 310 has felt SOOOOOO HEAVY in the past workouts... but today it didn't at all. NOTE: The machine I use, I'm not sure the correct name for it, but I don't think it is a normal Leg Sled. What it is, you sit in the chair and you're legs are parallel with the ground, and you push at the platform at your feet, but that platform doesn't move, instead the chair you are sitting in slides backwards. Just wanted to make a note for that.

DB Shrugs were also no problem, I think I'm gonna pump it to 85 for next workout.

My next 2 workouts are my deload workouts. Now I know the GLP1 portion is lightly easier than normal, for obvious reasons... but should I lower weights on my EDT Blocks? Or just go about it as I normally do, and try to work myself as hard as possible?
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